
Integration of JComments to Tutorials

Tutorials is a Communication Joomla Component. User can submit on this Component him/her item or news or article or tutorial etc, also there user can post comment on this submitted item. Also user can add +fav on fav list.

  1. Open file /components/com_tutorials/tutorials.html.php
  2. Find the lines:
            <?php HTML_tutorials::showComment( $row, $params ); ?>
    and replace with:
      global $mainframe;
      $jcomments = $mainframe->getCfg('absolute_path') . '/components/com_jcomments/jcomments.php';
      if (file_exists($jcomments)) {
        $obj_id = $row->id;
        $obj_title = $row->title;
        echo JComments::showComments($obj_id, 'com_tutorials', $obj_title);
  3. Find the lines:
          //get comments count
          $query = "SELECT count(*)"
          . "\n FROM #__tutorials_comments AS c"
          . "\n WHERE c.tutorialid = " . (int) $row->id
          . "\n AND c.published = 1"
          $database->setQuery( $query );
          $row->comments = $database->loadResult();
    and replace with:
      global $mainframe;
      $jcomments = $mainframe->getCfg('absolute_path') . '/components/com_jcomments/jcomments.php';
      if (file_exists($jcomments)) {
        $row->comments = JComments::getCommentsCount($row->id, 'com_tutorials');

See also:
