
Integration of JComments to SOBI2 business catalogue

The SOBI2 (Sigsiu Online Business Index 2) business catalogue component has built-in plugin support to expand the functional possibilities. Therefore we have developed the special plugin to simplify the process of comments system integration.

  1. Download the distributive of JComments plugin for SOBI2
  2. Log in Joomla administrative panel
  3. Go to administrative panel of SOBI2. (Components -> Sigsiu Online Business Index 2)
  4. Choose «Plugins» in left menu
  5. Click on «Plugin Manager» in left menu
  6. Browse the path to plugin's distributive and press «Install»
  7. Replace /components/com_sobi2/sobi2.details.tmpl.php by the file of the same name from the archive and add the following code to SOBI2 template:
    <?php echo $plugins['jcomments']; ?>
    in exact place where you would like to display the comments.

After all above changes were done the visitors will be able to leave comments to all items(objects) if SOBI2 catalogue .

See also:
